Virula: Renaissance Outlaw

Roy-Albert-Andrade620Second Novel Inspired by Author’s Life of Crime

Having had an epiphany while incarcerated, Roy Albert Andrade, a former gangster and ex-con, wrote a novel entitled “Cultivating The DNA of Crime.” The book was technically a fiction novel, but the gritty action/adventure is deeply rooted in the real world of gangs and gang crime. And now, his second offering “Virula: Renaissance Outlaw” is inspired by his real-life experiences in and out of prison.

While incarcerated, but never convicted of any crime, Roy chose to use his time in prison to converse with inmates about circumstances that led to crimes they had committed. Those talks developed into his passion for life and a passion for writing.

In addition, Virula/Andrade draws from firsthand experiences as a gang member, drug dealer and ex-convict to craft a gritty novel that mirrors reality. Few authors are able to offer crime story readers both the skill to captivate them with compelling writing and deep, firsthand knowledge and involvement in the topic at hand. Andrade is one of the few.

Roy Albert Andrade attributes his new found success to having chosen education as the road down which he is traveling, and his quest for persuading America’s youth to turn their backs on crime. Andrade’s books are sold through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and electronically through iTunes, among others.